Friday, January 29, 2010

28th jan:D


Today is the first 28th in this year.

And this is the first 28th we didn’t meet up and can’t make a small celebration with only CHAT & SWEET WORDS.

But still happy to c u update ur private blog for this.=) thx darling=)

Look back all the single words u wrote from 328-----the day we met.

It’s really sweet and memorable.

U wrote down every moment and happened between us.

Some argue,some sadness,some depression,Make us.

A relationship must be have joy ,sadness,jealousness ,magnanimous,and love.

I always trust all of that will grow up our relationship .

And its proved its do.

There was so much joy since we be with together.

Cherish all the happiness and love.

Thx for writing so much for me.

Appreciate & Grateful.

Every 28th is always a great day.

Just because a boy ,Steven Lee,

met a girl,Tan Evon.

A love story begin.

After 30 years,

I would tell u ,

We were both young when I first saw u =)

Happy 28th for 10 month =)